
ecommerce desiGn
white link icon
The Challenge

Overall grappled with a multitude of challenges, most notably antiquated imagery, typography, and a lack of distinct personality. The user experience was perplexing, compounded by poor mobile optimization.


Collaborating with a diverse team of creative individuals, including designers, developers, and brand experts, we successfully crafted an elegant, user-friendly website, enriched by a comprehensive technical overhaul that significantly enhanced its speed This extensive journey of refinement extended over a meticulous 12-month period.‍ Homepage:
Dickies Homepage Mocked Up
What got fixed:

-Improved the mobile user experience with horizontal scrolling.
-New more shoppable modules utilizing carousels
-Reduced the module size to showcase more of the site.
-Enhanced the branding aesthetic for a cleaner and more cohesive look including a new custom brand font.

Here's a deeper dive on one particular section:
Section two of the homepage
Before image of
What wasn't working:

-A subpar mobile experience
-Copy that proved hard to read, requiring multiple clicks for navigation
-Ambiguous imagery for categories, validated by user feedback-
Large, misaligned yellow buttons
-Consumed excessive screen space.

Section two of the homepage
What got fixed:

-Enhanced the mobile user experience with horizontal scrolling.
-Renamed the section to "Best Sellers" and included best-selling items from other categories not previously listed, thus amplifying the popularity of best sellers.
-Reduced the module size to showcase more of the site.
-Implemented an intuitive and user-friendly navigation system.
-Enhanced the branding aesthetic for a cleaner and more cohesive look.

Modules in Figma:
What we did:

Created a comprehensive design system and component library in Figma to streamline our design process, maintain consistency across projects, and enhance collaboration. It covers typography, colors, icons, buttons, forms, and more for a cohesive user experience. The component library houses reusable UI elements, making development faster and more scalable. With detailed documentation and ongoing improvements, it's become a vital tool for driving design excellence and fostering collaboration across teams.

Credits: ELVA Design GroupJohn Klopping; Matt Lambert

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